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Amsterdam Alternative Museums

If you like museums but art isn't your thing, never fear because Amsterdam has museums to cater for just about every interest going...

Whilst too numerous to list them all here, we've come up with a few suggestions to whet the appetite.

The Torture Museum (Singel 449) is one of the more macabre around with displays of various gruesome tools of torture throughout the ages.

The Cannabis Museum (Oudezijds Achterburgwal 148) does what it says on the tin - you can trace the history of the brown stuff in all its glory.

The Sex Museum (Damrak 18) is again fairly self-explanatory! Full of all sorts of erotic memorabilia from throughout the ages.

The Bijbels Museum (Herengracht 366- 368) is on the other hand a more refined place where art, culture and all aspects of the Bible meet.

The Museum of Bags and Purses (Herengracht 366- 368) is not surprisingly full of bags and purses from the Middle Ages to present day

Are these alternatives enough for you...?

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